Tuesday, October 5, 2010

For #2, Let's Talk About Poo...

It's been a hot minute since my last (and first) post. My life has been fabulously busy with tons of topics running through my head. Alas, I am the most indecisive bitch you will meet. Unless of course the decision has nothing to do with me... then I know everything. 

I have decided to discuss poo for my second blog.  Why in the world would I want to talk about poo?
Oddly enough, there are several reasons, but today's topic covered will be

Jenkem is an alleged hallucinogenic recreational drug composed of noxious gas formed from fermented sewage.

Basically, getting high and hallucinating by huffing fermented poo and pee.  WTF!?!?

Come on people, you can't be serious right? Right?

I recently heard about this alternative recreation practice by stumbling upon a news article about this happening in Zambia.  Kids and teens are huffing butthash, runners, Jenkens, Winnie and waste, to name a few of the terms used to describe it.

Upon further investigation I found that most of these articles could be proven false or forged (including the above pic). Unfortunately, once the idea is out there, someone, somewhere will or already has done it.

 I decided asked what others thought about this, and if they thought people did it here (in the US).

To my horror I was told that kids out in the country (let's say... Kansas) had done this and it even has it's own name : Tent Party.

Well, here's the story (or at least what I remember, including embellishments)...

High school kids would get a 5 gallon bucket and #2 and #1 in it for a while. I hear that mostly #2 is used, but it's good to add in the occasional #1.

One suggests hiding the bucket somewhere in the back of the barn so no one would be the wiser.

When the bucket was almost full of some super awesome doo they would go set up a tent, far away from civilization, and first thing in the morning set the poo cocktail in the middle of the tent and seal.

The teens then go about their day, returning around 4 or 5pm.  They all enter the TurdTent, the smell I can only partly imagine, and proceed to deeply inhale for 5-10 minutes, or until they can no longer stand it.

During this process there is much vomiting. Once you exit the tent there is more vomiting. And then a short bout of euphoria and hallucinations, which lasts maybe an hour, if you're lucky.

Then (this is the best part) you 'smell or taste' the jenkem for up to 3-4 days after the deed.

I can honestly say that I would not try this. I'm pretty willing to try lots of different things, but an immense amount of discomfort followed by a short stint of 'maybe awesome' hallucination is not gonna make it on my list of "Things to Do".

I guess the purpose of this blog is to inform you enough to draw your own conclusion.

To sniff or not to sniff?


Friday, September 10, 2010

And so it begins...

I have been trying, for the last several days, to figure out the perfect first post.  I roll ideas in and out of my mind, never quite deciding on exactly what I'm looking for.  

I could write about that silly preacher-man in Florida. 

I could write about the wildfire spreading through Colorado.

I could write about Republicans or Democrats or Liberals.

I could write about food. Mmmm... how I love food... 

Shoot! I suppose this first entry could be dedicated me. You know, my likes and dislikes, shoe size, etc. That seems too easy, yet sometimes the hardest thing to do is talk about yourself.

Ooo ooo ooo!!! Aliens. Wouldn't that be and interesting first topic?

I could write about the vaccines in other countries becoming illegal because they are doing bad things to the youngins.
I could write about sunshine. (Yes, I can do  a blog on sunshine.)

But what I've decided to do...  This. I'm just going to do it. Post my first blog. Now it will be all out of the way. No more worries on what to write or how to introduce myself. 

Maybe my second post will be why I started this thing anyway. Hmmm... I suppose that may have been a better first choice.
