Friday, September 10, 2010

And so it begins...

I have been trying, for the last several days, to figure out the perfect first post.  I roll ideas in and out of my mind, never quite deciding on exactly what I'm looking for.  

I could write about that silly preacher-man in Florida. 

I could write about the wildfire spreading through Colorado.

I could write about Republicans or Democrats or Liberals.

I could write about food. Mmmm... how I love food... 

Shoot! I suppose this first entry could be dedicated me. You know, my likes and dislikes, shoe size, etc. That seems too easy, yet sometimes the hardest thing to do is talk about yourself.

Ooo ooo ooo!!! Aliens. Wouldn't that be and interesting first topic?

I could write about the vaccines in other countries becoming illegal because they are doing bad things to the youngins.
I could write about sunshine. (Yes, I can do  a blog on sunshine.)

But what I've decided to do...  This. I'm just going to do it. Post my first blog. Now it will be all out of the way. No more worries on what to write or how to introduce myself. 

Maybe my second post will be why I started this thing anyway. Hmmm... I suppose that may have been a better first choice.
